Which group of people do you trust more: career politicians, or your own neighbors?

Isn’t it interesting how the “big guns” have come out in favor of keeping Maurice Goodman on as a member of the Millbrae Council!  Big slick flyers showing all of his (supposed) accomplishments, endorsements by his friends in County government, etc.

BUT what they fail to mention is that at THIS VERY MOMENT his primary responsibility is to represent the residents of District 4 in Millbrae – that’s his job!  And his constituents are overwhelmingly NOT in favor of converting La Quinta into permanent supportive housing, which will result in a permanent loss of revenue to the city. 

There are other ways of building low-cost housing in Millbrae – none of which were truly considered. Even after we voiced our objections and pleaded with him to oppose the project, Goodman did the opposite - he voted FOR the plan. No matter how many slick flyers we get in the mail in the next few weeks it is time the residents of District 4 to stand up and fight for his electorate.

Will you stand with the 1000+ of your neighbors who support the recall, or listen to a handful of plastic party line politicians?

Please vote YES on the recall.