‘Is it only a small group of upset residents pushing for the recall?’

More residents signed in support of the petitions to recall both council members than originally voted to seat both council members in their respective districts. This recall effort reflects the will of the majority.

‘The recall is not beneficial to the City of Millbrae.’

We beg to differ! Not only is it beneficial - but recalling a council member who fails to properly represent her electorate is critical to ensure a safe and sound future for our city.

‘This recall creates a financial burden on our city.’

Not true! The estimated cost of both recalls combined is $155,000 - or about $7 per resident. Whereas the cost of not recalling them is exponentially greater, as their dismissal of voters' concerns and pursuance of personal agendas are a serious threat to city coffers and the financial stability of Millbrae. We are actually trying to save our city from a financial burden.

‘Goodman and Cahalan claim they’re prioritizing ‘humanity’ when advocating for supportive housing.

How about the fact that all Supportive Housing at other county locations experienced 4x to 15x more service calls? This is a fact! Have they thought about our own citizens and those who would need service in life-threatening situations? What have they done to address this? They are hiding behind the façade of humanity; they are only doing this for their own political career, not the rights of those who voted for them.

‘The Recall creates leadership gaps.’

The recall effort was initiated to fix the current leadership gaps! They did not lead as council members for the community, they were leading only their political aspirations and the agendas of outside activists.

The Recall does not solve any problems.

A recall would actually solve a major problem - the failure of Cahalan and Goodman to represent the majority viewpoints in their districts.

Concerns about replacement candidates that may be appointed by the remaining council?

If replacements are in fact appointed (which may or may be the case), then we are hopeful that any interim council members will embrace their duty to give voice to the views of the people they represent. In any case, there will be an election in November that allows us to choose whom we wish to represent us.

They claim to continue to be passionate about making sure their neighbors' voices are heard.'

That has not been the case! In our experience, it's been just the opposite.

They have taken concrete actions to address the concerns of their constituents.

What concrete actions were taken by them in response to residents' concerns about La Quinta? They came out in support of the La Quinta project, they worked behind our back with the county directly to push their agenda, and refused from signing a letter voicing our City's concerns about the County's unilateral decision-making.

They are keeping everyone safe [and] growing our economy.

How do Goodman and Cahalan plan to keep everyone safe and grow our economy? By locating homeless housing in close proximity to schools and businesses that cater to children, and eliminating a vital source of revenue for Millbrae? We have serious concerns about their decision-making!

They were recruited to disrupt the status quo.

No argument there. However, we prefer disruptions that lead to improvements relative to the status quo. Not disruptions in the form of chaos and divisiveness.

They are creating a solid fiscal future.

By converting the fully operational and profitable La Quinta Inn to permanent supportive housing - thus eliminating a vital course of revenue for Millbrae? We fail to understand how undermining the city's financial footing will accomplish that goal.

No to criminalizing poverty.'

None of us advocate criminalizing poverty. However, we do advocate criminalizing criminal behavior! Their campaign has been vandalizing and stealing from our campaign’s signage, which is a crime.

Quoting the inscription on the Statue of Liberty? That's way out of context, Maurice. The homeless huddled masses refer to the hard-working immigrants who have come to this country in search of jobs, education and opportunity. Not to the homeless citizens born and raised in the US who turned their backs on jobs, education, and ambition in favor of welfare and substance abuse.

'No to sabotaging pathways to the American Dream.'

Sabotaging the American Dream? Maurice Goodman is helping to do just that by inviting unstable and dangerous individuals into a city where residents have worked hard to create a quiet and safe enclave for their families.