Keep them Accountable for their actions!


We should not allow ourselves to be misled or distracted – both Goodman and Cahalan are fully accountable to residents for their actions.

They say they're not at fault regarding ‘La Quinta,’ and they were outvoted by the remaining council members anyway. They also say the decision was made solely by the County, and their actions had no effect on the outcome. However - does that excuse their choice not to represent their constituents? Is that not unlike throwing up their hands over the numbers of transients who enter Millbrae every night because they have no jurisdiction over BART?

Goodman and Cahalan have had every chance in more than 12 months to stick up for their constituents and the greater Millbrae population, but they have failed to deliver.

When the Council voted to send a letter to the County last September expressing the City’s concerns regarding the economic impact of La Quinta as well as their disapproval, Cahalan abstained and Goodman objected – neither one signed the letter.

The very next month, they accepted Housing Leadership awards from the Housing Leadership Council! The very same activist group intent on meddling in Millbrae’s affairs, which includes the mailing of postcards implying that Millbrae residents are racist because of the Article 34 lawsuit, and imploring residents to “Have a Heart”.  Aligning themselves with activists who spew hateful misinformation to get their way is poor optics– is it not?

Regarding the Article 34 lawsuit, neither council member supported it.  Guess they don’t want their constituents to have a say in whether the La Quinta conversion should proceed – a right guaranteed by the State Constitution.

There are 3 other Council Members who have weighed in on the La Quinta project, and appropriately represented their constituents – they objected to the unilateral decision, and tried offering alternative solutions, which County Executive Callagy brushed off. In contrast, Goodman and Cahalan embraced the project right out of the gate and have never looked back.

The long and short of it is – ‘La Quinta’ was a big test for all 5 of our council members.  Unfortunately, 2 didn’t pass.

💯 Unequivocally VOTE YES ✅