Recall Basics: Let's get to the heart of the matter: the failure of both 'representatives' to truly represent us!


Citizens have every right to recall elected leaders who fail to represent their communities in an authentic way - acting instead to advance their personal agendas or the agendas of outside interests.  We intend to express our disappointment and dissatisfaction with Councilmembers Maurice Goodman and Angelina Cahalan via the most democratic approach possible - by asking the residents of their respective districts to cast their votes on a potential recall.  The California Office of the Secretary of State makes clear that 'it has been a fundamental part of our governmental system since 1911 and has been used by voters to express their dissatisfaction with their elected representatives.'


The recall effort has its roots in the complicated La Quinta protest...yet it boils down to one simple issue. None of us liked feeling stepped on the County - even less so, feeling stepped on by our own Councilmembers!  Rather than advising residents to beware of folks who may come to their door with honest concerns about public safety and fiscal irresponsibility - why not hear them out and decide for yourselves?  Recalls are indeed underway all over the state, and all over the country, because politicians have forgotten the reason they were elected - to faithfully represent the views of their constituency.  Folks want democracy!


Recalls may appear to be expensive. Suing the County may seem expensive.  Yet the costs must be compared to what we believe are the far more costly alternatives of allowing unilateral decisions to stand unchallenged. Among other things: (i) the permanent loss of TOT revenue in a city historically bereft of adequate funding for public services, (ii) realistic concerns about crime, illicit drug use, and blight, and (iii) perhaps the most treacherous consequence of residents allowing themselves to be 'stepped on' - relinquishing the right to participate in decisions that directly impact their city. Viewed against that backdrop - the expense(s) of a recall are worth every penny!